Losing the Last 14 (One More Time)

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Mid-week update

I've had a good week so far, since deciding to really "get serious" on July 1.  I have to admit that I only logged my calories the first day, and I've made a deal with myself that I will have to log calories if I can't control my eating.  This gets me to control it.  I HATE recording stuff like that.  I didn't like sparkpeople either.  If I do record calories, I'll have to get back into fitday or try another calorie counting page.  If you have any recommendations, please include them in the comments. 

I've been good about walking the dog in the mornings.  Unfortunately, we don't do more than 1-2 miles because of the heat.  I'm fine with the heat, but my Corgi isn't.  Dogs can't sweat.  He loves the cold though.  I have to be careful with him above 70 degrees and really careful with him above 80 degrees. 

On Monday,  I went to Zumba class at the YMCA.  It was fun.  I'm a terrible dancer, so I have trouble following the moves, but I just tried to keep moving.  I was happy when we did a dance that included jumping jacks--at least I can do those.  I was sore after the class.  On Tuesday, I went to yoga at the Y.  I was surprised to see that the teacher resembled Santa Claus, albeit thinner.  I enjoyed th class, although it wasn't much of a workout.  We spent at least 15 minutes in corpse pose.  But I felt a lot better aftewards. 

Today, in addition to our little walk, I did my strength exercises, and I did 45 minutes on my stationary bike.  I was also at the pool for a couple of hours, but that mostly consisted of floating with a noodle. 

My calorie intake has been good, probably around 1200-1400 a day, but more today, since we had some special holiday meals.  I've been trying to eat just enough to stave off hunger.  I'll just keeping trying. 

I'm considering going down to about 124 pounds (my official goal is 125) and making 127 the weight at which I start dieting again. I think that seems like a good range. 

I'm feeling good about myself.  The exercise makes me feel happy with my body.  It's a little thicker than I would prefer, but I like it.  The muscles on my legs and arms are obvious now.  I got a tan through my sunscreen, and I like being light brown. 

I realized that some of my lingerie fits again, and that makes me happy. 

I also wanted to buy a new swimsuit from Target, since my favorite one is from Target, and it fits nicely.  I thought it was a medium, so I was debating whether to buy a medium or small.  I looked at the tag on my suit, and it's a small.  I couldn't find one in the right size, sadly, but I am very glad that the small is fitting well again. 

Overall, a very good day--I'm feeling good enough that it's quite an effort to motivate myself to continue losing these pounds, but I know I'll be even gladder when they are gone. 

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