My kids are at camp (mornings only) this week, so, even though I have a billion things I need to do, I decided to use the time to exercise. Mostly walking, with a little couch-to-5K sprinkled in. Because my schedule is constantly changing, I've decided I have to plan out my exercise in advance for each week. So, this week is walking and walking and walking and a little running.
Next week, I hope to be able to do some classes at the Y.
Eating has been pretty good. I have decided to eat veggie wraps for lunch, until I get tired of them. The veggies come from my garden or the farmer's market, so they are full of flavor. I sautee onions and squash in butter, mix them with fresh cucumber and tomato, goat cheese, and I put everything on a couple of Trader Joe's low carb tortillas. Yummy.
I did go out with friends last night, going out for pizza with friends on Thursday night, and out to lunch at Panera on Saturday. So, that is not all that good. Also, my husband made brownies last night.
I would love, love, love to be in the 134's on the scale on Sunday. We'll see. I'm going to do my strength training before we head for the pool.
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